Work Experience


Work Experience



Spiceworks is the largest community of IT professionals (5MM+ Monthly Uniques). I joined Spiceworks in 2018 to lead Growth within Product & Engineering. I led a newly formed team focused on driving adoption of new features in the Spiceworks community/marketplace experience. Our team was also responsible for improving onboarding and demonstrating value quickly to activate and retain new users.

Role/Key achievements:

  • Collaborated with the data team to develop experiment performance reports 

  • Implemented a repository to share learnings from growth experiments with departments outside of Product/Engineering.

  • Optimized landing pages to drive acquisition for cloud tools (Help Desk, Inventory, Connectivity Dashboard)

  • Grew usage of new Verified Professional feature which associated users to businesses (300k to 520k verified in 4 months)

  • Conducted page load time analysis and prioritized technical improvements for core web vitals on mobile and desktop

Spiceworks Community Verified Professional

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